
Friday 28 October 2011

Runway for souvenir

Scb at her blog Where there are Meadowlarks started a talk about souvenirs and while I commented on her blog post, I started to go through in my head all the souvenirs I have. When I noticed that I have so many souvenirs that I cannot keep a list of them only in my head I started to write them down.

Also at Simplify 101 Aby just talked about souvenirs and how she often has a practical end use for them. I tend to get something practical from my trips too. Ofcourse I also get things that are just pretty or fun. Some of my souvenirs have nothing that would indicate where they are from. I've bought things that look like they could be from anywhere, but since I remember where I've got them, then they are souvenirs.

After I had written down all the souvenirs I could remember, I took my list and then started to walk around the house to find even more of them. While I was circling in the house I thought I could take pictures of all of them. And I thought that maybe you would want to see those too. Wouldn't that be fun? So here they are, room by room.




Toilet and bathroom

Office / Guest room


So those were MY souvenirs, but we have even more, I did not include souvenirs A, my friends or family has given me or souvenirs A has brought from his trips. And I'm sure I have forgotten some.

Wasn't that fun? Now I need to continue to build the roof to my miniature teahouse. I chose a laborious roof model, but it's going to be so worth it. It's very important to the get the roof on, it's soon winter and all.


  1. wow you certainly are well-travelled, and i love all those souvenirs, especially the 'functional' ones....:D

    beautiful collection!

  2. Oh I love your souvenirs! Thanks for the world tour. That dress from Jersey is fabulous. I love the clear umbrella--and the container from Denmark looks so essentially Danish (so simple, so functional) it's wonderful, too.

    I hope the roof goes well.

  3. To Snowfern
    Oh, no, no, I'm not well-travelled, I need to travel way more :) Although I know I'm priviledged to have been to some many places allready.

    To Alana
    That dress is my favourite too. It looks whole lot better on though, now it just hangs there oddly. I love the umbrella, although I hardly ever use it, I have a collapsible one in my bag which I use all the time.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Nice idea to share the collection. Maybe I'll use the same idea someday :)


  5. To Ruhnu
    It was real fun to go through the collection of souvenirs, it was like visiting the places again. I remembered things I had almost forgotten about the places. And it was quite different than watching photos, I was able to remember other things.

  6. I so loved looking through your souvenirs. They are unique and so much more meaningful than the usual type of tourist-stuff. Thank you so much for sharing!
