
Friday 24 August 2012

I think we have some unfinished business

In the blog world there circles this challenge to show four unfinished projects in your blog. I didn't personally receive this challenge but Norsis from Hupsistarallaa challenged everyone to catch this and so I did. I found the idea of this challenge to be very appropriate in my blog and to actually any crafts or home improving blog. Also because I've been bit busy on the evenings (two crayfish parties on the same week!) and have not got much anything done, so it is great to have some blog post material just handed to me.

Here are my four

Yes it's supposed to be an onion bag and no I'm not on second grade. I had to laugh when I started making this. I think the onion bag was the dullest and ugliest craft one could think of when I was twelve. I was planning to keep bulbs on it, I tend to always have hyasint and daffodil bulbs after the holidays and early spring and then I have no place where to keep them. But onion bags are still, at least this one is, as horrible looking as they were when I was twelve so I might have to unravel this one.

Next one you have already seen. It's the lamp where from I removed some rust a while ago.

Those gloves I started on midsummer and almost finished them then. They are practicly done. I just nee to tie off the threads.

This chair we also got with the heritage. It had a horrible looking red plastic seat cover that was attached to it with millions of nails and staples. I removed it and this green black paint with a really sticky surface appeared. I'm not really sure what I should do with this. All ideas are highly appreciated.

Take up the challenge if you like, I think it's fashinating to see what everyone is working on. 


  1. A lot of my "unfinished projects" don't even make it as far as yours have (you're pretty far along on these). I would sand down the chair, give it a fresh coat of white paint and add a seat cushion in a vibrant/funky fabric. Can't wait to see what you do with it

    1. I have been even considering painting the chair in some vibrant colour, but I have a feeling I might change my mind later, so maybe white would be the best.

  2. I second the sanding for that chair.

    Is there a eadline to have these projects done--or are we just to post four unfinished projects?

    You gloves look great--an I'd like to see that lamp when you're done!

    1. No deadline. Just to post the unfinished projects. I think I wont ever finish the first one anyway.

      I do have a plan for the lamp and will definitely show it to you once it's done.

  3. Hello again,
    I would toss the chair, that sticky mess looks like a lot to tackle and save the onion bag. I think it's cute and you made it when you were 12!

    1. Hi Megan! I will try to remove the paint first with a paint remover before I decide on anything. Maybe I did not write too clearly, but I did not make this particular onion bad when I was twelve, I made another one. This one I've crocheted now.

  4. The gloves are really cute. Your onion bag comments made me giggle, I have never heard of one before.
    Do you have a heat gun? I would try that first on the chair. Mine has saved me so much work on projects like that. And you usually don't have to use those strong chemicals or gunk up your sand paper.

    1. The onion bag is something that most must crochet in the elementary school and to most it causes some bilious feelings.
      No I do not have a heat gun! I do have little bit of a chemical paint remover left, but I would like to try out that heat gun. It sounds like something I could use a lot, but I'd like to try one out before I buy one.
