
Friday 7 December 2012

Welcoming wreath

Again I made a wreath for our front door. I made it exactly like I made it last year. After the snow storm few days ago I went to the near by park and searched for fallen branches. It was a bit difficult to find them since there were so much snow but I was able to find two biggish branches and few tiny ones. They were just enough to make one wreath. In the wreath I have now fir and pine, I like the combination. Again I have no decorations in the wreath. I was thinking of searching some pine cones, but had too much trouble finding the branches already so I sort of forgot about the cones.

There is some renovation underway in the front yard, in case you are wondering about those planks. We had the front yard open and some pipes were replaced. Now all the holes are closed with gravel but the front yard is still a mess. Because of the snow the workers will return in spring to finish the landscaping work. It's bit dull to have the front yard so messy, but it's not a big deal.


  1. It seems to be the perfect size for the location. Well done.

  2. Love your wreath! And wow! at your snow dunes!!! Hope you managed to get out OK. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog:)

    1. Luckily there was not a big dune in front of the doors. And the snow was anyway very fluffy.

  3. Looks great Leena! I honestly have never made a wreath myself...

    1. It is not difficult but it's sure a cold thing to do. I always make the wreath outside, because they trash quite a lot, but in the halfway my fingers get so cold that they feel like they will drop off from the rest of the hand.
