
Friday 8 February 2013

Project bound to be doomed

I started a project that I allready know will be blood, toil, tears and sweat. I will make a jacket using a pattern I got from a Ottobre magazine. I'm not good at following patterns, I think I've only sewed one shirt or something in school using a pattern and I remember that it was crap. And the round parts were sooooo annoying. I'm sure I get furious of the whole project hundreds of times. But eventually it will get done, hopefully before spring because it's supposed to be a spring jacket. We'll see...


  1. You're brave! I know how you feel, I love sewing things for the house, but hate sewing clothing from patterns.

    Keep us updated, judging by the fabric, it looks like it's going to be very nice.

    1. We'll see how brave I end up :) I do hope I have something to show you again soon.

  2. Your patterns look a lot different from what I learned to sew with--do you have to make your own tissue paper pieces? From all those lines? That would be tough!

    Good luck. Remember to breathe.

    1. I had to copy only the blue lines :) it was quite tricky. And when I cut the fabric I already did mess it up, but I'm able to fix it, I think.

  3. You can do it! Let us know when you finish the jacket. I really like the fabric you chose...

  4. Believe me, when this is done I'm totally going to show it off. Because that will be quite something. Now I'm waiting for a neon yellow zipper to arrive in the mail...
