
Wednesday 31 July 2013

One room per summer?

Last summer I had a project to renew the office, now I started to work on painting the bedroom. One has to have projects, doesn't one?


  1. Good for you! Will it be white?

    I kind of like that wall paper, but I think I would get tired of it fter a while and what something new.

    1. It will be very light gray, so almost white.
      That wallpaper wasn't so horrible in my opinion either but it is original to the apartment (from 1982) so you can imagine that it is in very very poor shape. There is grease from hands and lots of holes and it's ripped from some places. Time for a change I think.

  2. I look forward to watching the progress. Hope it all goes smoothly for you, the light gray sounds like it will be a beautiful update.

    1. So far it's coming along nicely. One layer of paint is on the walls and the second tomorrow, I hope two layers is enough. Although I must say that now the paint looks a bit greenish gray, maybe it's just my imagination... I thought I had picked just gray...

  3. Can't wait to see the finished result. Light gray sounds great, maybe the lighting is playing a trick on you and it only appears greenish.

    1. I hope it's just the light, on the other hand I don't hate green so greenish gray in theory wouldn't be bad, I just did not have that exact colour in mind when I bought the paint.
