
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Sandwich making basket

It's amazing how nackered one party can make you. We had friends over on Monday to celebrate May Day, we had sparkling wine and everyone brought food, did some BBQ and we had a great time. Then on Tuesday we went to our friends' place to have brunch and to hang out. By the time we got home it was time to eat again. I think all we've done on these two days is eat but still I'm really tired.

I was hoping to have something more grand to show by now, but I've been too tired to get anything done.
Few weeks ago I found a wire basket from the big pile of stuff we eventually inherited. I thought it could be used in the fridge to collar all the sandwich making products, like cheese, butter and cold cuts.

Before all those products needed to be taken from the fridge individually and it was slow and bit annoying. Those also spread out too much on the shelf and we had to push those around to get to the other things.

We've been using that basket now for couple of weeks and it's proven to be quite handy. Just one grab and we have all the things we need from the fridge to make a sandwich.


  1. That's a really good idea! I will be copying it. :)

  2. This is actually a great idea. I might have to copy it as well.

  3. Please go ahead, I'm sure it's not even my own idea originally.
