
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Preparing for the holidays - challenge

Have you noticed that on Simplify 101 blog is a 28 day challenge to get your home ready for the Holidays. The point of the challenge is to get some organizing and cleaning issues done before the Thanksgiving. I thought of participating even though Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Finland (yet another holiday not celebrated here). Last year I also did some of the points from the challenge. It was better than doing nothing.

I know I'm bit late on the start of the challenge, but that's fine, I can catch up and even if I don't it's ok. So I started from the day three. Decluttering surfaces. In our home all surfaces are clutter magnets, but the entry table and drawer are the super magnets. So I put the timer on for 15 minutes and we got to work. I told A that all surfaces are the places to concentrate. After the speed decluttering the surfaces were already looking so much better. It's so easy that I'm always amazed how come we spend so much time avoiding the decluttering.


  1. Wow! Where did all the bottles go from the kitchen. Amazing. Good job to you and A!

    1. Those were empty bottles that we had collected from friends for bottling the cider and wine. In the end we got too much of them and 'forgot' them on the kitchen table. We bagged them and then next day took them for recycling.
      Thanks Alana!

  2. Well done! I'm going to have to look into this list- I need all the help I can get in this department.

    1. Thanks Santa. I like all these lets-clean-our-homes-together challenges. It really boosts me up.

  3. 15 minutes?! That's impressive. I've mentioned before, we have the same problem with surfaces in our house. Good for you showing both the before and after. :)
    You've inspired me...I need to go clean now and see how far I can get in 15 minutes.

    1. I know! 15 min is surprisingly long, you can achive a lot in that time. The Fifteen minutes of cleaning a day is something Aby on her Simplify 101 workshops teaches us. And she has got it right. If we just would do it everyday...
