
Friday, 25 April 2014

Float of toys

On our backyard is a small creek or maybe I would call it a ditch. It collects rain waters from the streets, that means the water is not very clean, and that is why a ditch sounds more appropriate. The ditch runs underground and comes on surface next to a children's playground. All sorts of toys float on the ditch once in a while. When I see toys floating on it I usually take out my rake and rescue the toys from the water. Previously I've thrown the toys to trash or taken to the playground of our apartment building. But now I'm keeping the toys for Likka. We already have a ball and a shovel for her.

(Of course there is also trash on the ditch, when I see them I pick those up too and take those to our trash bins)


  1. Yay for free toys! The ditch looks very pretty in the 1st picture. Can you see it from inside the house?

    1. We can see the big pool type area from inside. The narrow part of the ditch is so deep in the ground that it is not very clear to see. We take very little advantage from the view we have. We should use it better.

  2. That's so funny. At least you always see to it that the toys find a good home- and not just end up in a landfill.

    1. I find it difficult to throw the toys away if those are in good shape. Some are ofcourse broken and are not worthwhile to save.

  3. That's wonderful. Such a great view. What a fabulous blue sky, too. Soon you will be fishing Likka's toys out of there!

  4. We've had beautiful weather here for many days now. Hope on the 1st of May we have blue skies as well.
