We've have some tomatos ripened over the summer but now there was a real boom of them. I picked and picked and I would still find ripe tomatos from the bushes.
We are most likely going to the cabin this weekend, so we needed some efficient way to consume huge quantity of tomatoes. And I don't know a better way to do that than to make soup from them.
I didn't bother peeling the tomatoes, because some were the size of a tip of a little finger, so I used a blender and then sieved the soup. Topped it with feta cheese. Good!
Oh and about other harvests. The zucchinies I got from a neighbour got real boost in growth now that's it's been raining almost daily. They are enormous and weirly they don't look similar at all. See the other has stripes and the other looks as they look in stores. And they are from the same plant, I did not know there would be such variety in the same plant. The sparkling wine cork is there for scale. Yay to the harvest time!
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